Monday, February 21, 2005

Help! I need to figure out a business name in a week

Hello Family and Friends,
I need some help I need to get my business name for my farm so that I can put my application in to sell at Farmer's market. In the next week no doubt.
I am listing some names we've come up with, but I need some fresh minds. Any new name or any contribution to a name I've listed is welcome and appreciated. Also list your favorites in your reply message. I will need three names to apply for a name in case the first are already taken. I need some creative thinkers!
There are some rules though. Can't have organic in the name until I get certified organic. I'm trying to keep it short and sweet. Names we've thought of listed below. You've got until March 1st to send in all contributions. I will post the 3 final names on March 2nd.
Thanks, Cathy Steck

A Little of Everything Farm

A Little of Everything Produce and Free-Range Farm
Steck Family Farm
Steck Sustainable Farming
Steck Sustainable Agriculture
Steck Family Sustainable Farming
Steck Farm
The Family Farm
Big Oak Valley Family Farm
Cathy's Family Farm
 Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about Faux Farm. Sort of a joke, but it's memorable, and short.